Something random before I elaborate on the new job thingy.
Anyway, long story short, if this brain itch doesn't go away very soon I am going to go insane. Insaaaaaaaane!!! Brain itch!!!!!!!!
Light at the end of the tunnel: Part Duh
Ok, no job yet, but at least the interviews are abundant. I interviewed for the House Manager position at UW last Friday. I rocked the house, of course (how could I not, what with my overwhelming fabulousness and all...), but was swiftly rejected three days later. Ah, such is life. More specifically: Aaah, such is life when you're a 26-year old struggling musician. Anyway, I am obviously disappointed, bitter, etc etc etc (not really) that I didn't get it, but I have since equally promptly gotten over it (via a few handfuls of mint creme oreo cookies...mmm) and now have my sights on two other possible job opportunities. I've had two interviews at Mills Music, the last one of which was this morning with the president of the company and at which I was told that I would probably be considered for a management position, and have a third interview this Friday. And then I have an interview for the Director of Education position with the Bellevue Philharmonic tomorrow morning.
Going on all these interviews has definitely given me confidence in myself as an interviewee. If not for any reason but that my interviewer at my first Mills Music interview proposed marriage to me during the interview. Hahaha...true story. Anyway, tomorrow's interview should be interesting, and I say this only because I spoke to the Executive Director of the Bellevue Phil yesterday to schedule our interview, and he sounds just like Milton from Office Space. Should be a fun chat.
In other news: part of the reason for my extended absence this past week is that Scott's entire family and -- more importantly (horrifyingly?) -- 4 of his college fraternity buddies came to visit this past weekend. His family stayed in a hotel, but the boys all crashed at our apartment. All in all, I guess it was a fun few days...yeah.... Oh, what the hell am I saying? Did you hear me say that there were 5 recovering frat boys staying under the same roof as me? Oy. Vey. Let's just say that the rental of a heavy-duty carpet cleaner was required to clean up a giant brown stain on the living room carpet. And I no longer have to curl up in a fetal position in my closet while slowly rocking myself to blissful sleep every night.
Light at the end of the tunnel: Part I
Anyway, we'll see what happens. If I don't get an email response from the lady at the UW concert hall soon, I'm going to have to turn my stalking up a notch and give her a little ringy dingy.
And in a completely unrelated note, if you haven't noticed already by the website links towards the left, I'm totally addicted to online trashy celebrity slag. The thing that's gotten the most attention lately is the release of pictures of Suri "my dad is psychotic and my mom has been brainwashed" Cruise:
Look, I am the first to admit that all this celebrity attention is ridiculous and, often times, very mean-spirited. I read this stuff mainly because I am unemployed (but not for long...?) and use all this ridiculous celeb gossip to inject some excitement and hilarity into my otherwise blah-ish day-to-day activities. And I will maintain, as one who has never been a fan thankyouverymuch, that Tom Cruise is (or at least seems to be) completely off his rocker who has scored himself a beautiful blushing brainwashed bride. But I do have to disagree with all the stupid celeb gossip bloggers out there and say that I think Suri is a really cute baby! And I'm not just saying that because I had hair like that when I was a baby. I think. She's not as cute as my two nieces, of course. But she's very cute. Oh, and by the way, I for one do not think she looks Asian at all! Why do people keep saying that??
Toots & poots. orDon't read this post if you're eating.
Also, I stayed true to my word last night and sent a saccharine-sweet and unbelievably charming email to the Front of House Operations Manager (i.e. my future supervisor...hahaha) at the UW concert hall to subtley (sp?) enlighten her of my overwhelming awesomeness. We'll see if I get any response... And by that, I mean, "I better get a response. Grrrr." Ah yes, that's more like it. Threatening with a hint of Bitterness: just my style. And I responded to an ad on Craig's List for a nearby music store that's looking to hire for their sales staff. Agh. Sales. Not my bag, baby. But at least I get to talk to people about music. That'll take some of the sting off.
"Oh, you'd like to purchase some clarinet reeds for your little child? And does your precious little jewel have a clarinet teacher? No? Oh, how fortuitous! Let me tell you of the Greatest Clarinet Teacher the World Has Ever Known..."
"Oh, you're a world famous orchestra conductor who just happens to be passing through northern Seattle on your way back to Berlin? And you are in desperate need of the Greatest Clarinet Player the World Has Ever Known? Oh, how fortuitous indeed!!"
Hahahahahaha. Yes, that's the plan.
And check this out!
Labor Day, Schmabor Day.
In other news, I feel quite good about the House Manager position at UW. I fully intend to pull the no-holds-barred, shameless, ulterior-motive-filled move in which I find out who might be the immediate supervisor of the currently open position and invite them to a "friendly lunch" during which I blow him/her away by my wit/charm/stunning beauty/brilliance/general awesomeness until they have no other option but to hire me for the job. Ahahahhhahaha. If only.
And in other, more clarinerdy news: I finally found a reed today that might have a chance of perhaps maybe someday being considered slightly "good." And by "good," I just mean "not quite as overwhelmingly sucky," like every single one of the ten thousand reeds that I have tried to blow on since arriving in Seattle. Huzzah!!! Huzzzzaaaaaaahhh!!!
And in very exciting (but only for me, not you, I'm sure) related news : I'm now only 8 clicks on the metronome away from reaching my goal tempo* on the blasted Mendelssohn Scherzo excerpt (i.e. The bane of Ysabel's existence or The excerpt which Ysabel has literally been avoiding like the black plague for the past 5 years or That which is on every. single. freaking. audition. ever.). I'm sure this in thanks in part to my discovery of The One reed today. Anyway, I know this isn't exciting for anybody but me. Unless maybe if your name is Erin, Ben or Heather. But be happy for me. I order you. It is quite an accomplishment, considering I have the tongue of a cow when forced to articulate anything on the devil stick. Wheee!!!
"Happy peanut soar..."
In other news, the unemployment situation remains unchanged. There is another job at UW that I now have my sights set on. House Manager for the big performance concert hall on campus. It will be mine... Oh yes. It will be mine.