
Something random before I elaborate on the new job thingy.

Ok, all of today I've had this itch inside my right ear that is so far inside that I'm convinced it's actually my brain that itches. Seriously. Has this ever happened to you? I've never experienced anything like this before. The only thing that gives me some sense of reprieve is when I take a pointer finger knuckle and sort of grind it against my outer ear. And then it's like the best feeling everrrr. But then when I stop doing it the brain itch is still there. Sticking a finger in there definitely has proven ineffective. And just now I tried poking a Q-tip up in there... The only problem is that I have a deadly fear that if I wrangle the Q-tip too far in there, it will literally poke my brain ... or at least give me that dreadful instantaneous shockwave of pain that we've all gotten from getting a little too aggressive with the Q-tip cleaning. You know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, long story short, if this brain itch doesn't go away very soon I am going to go insane. Insaaaaaaaane!!! Brain itch!!!!!!!!


  1. I stabbed my Qtip a bit too far the other day for the first time. It was throbbing pain for a few minutes. OUCH, I am traumatized.

  2. Wow...we'll get help for you, Ys...don't worry! ;-)
