
Labor Day, Schmabor Day.

Ah, Labor Day. In which our government honors its hard-working citizens by giving them a federal holiday out of the office, thereby giving those such sturdy laborers a day with which to have a barbeque, relax by the lake, take a trip to the beach, lounge about on the couch and watch football, or whatever else your hard-working hearts desire. Or, if you're like me, curse this one additional opportunity for the universe to remind you that you're miserably unemployed and shouldn't even have the right to celebrate this blasted holiday anyway. Pooh. And in a brilliant move which only the likes of myself would dare pull, I chose to commemorate this unfortunate holiday by asking my hard-laboring computer genius brothers for more pity money so that I can feed my non-laboring belly.


In other news, I feel quite good about the House Manager position at UW. I fully intend to pull the no-holds-barred, shameless, ulterior-motive-filled move in which I find out who might be the immediate supervisor of the currently open position and invite them to a "friendly lunch" during which I blow him/her away by my wit/charm/stunning beauty/brilliance/general awesomeness until they have no other option but to hire me for the job. Ahahahhhahaha. If only.


And in other, more clarinerdy news: I finally found a reed today that might have a chance of perhaps maybe someday being considered slightly "good." And by "good," I just mean "not quite as overwhelmingly sucky," like every single one of the ten thousand reeds that I have tried to blow on since arriving in Seattle. Huzzah!!! Huzzzzaaaaaaahhh!!!

And in very exciting (but only for me, not you, I'm sure) related news : I'm now only 8 clicks on the metronome away from reaching my goal tempo* on the blasted Mendelssohn Scherzo excerpt (i.e. The bane of Ysabel's existence or The excerpt which Ysabel has literally been avoiding like the black plague for the past 5 years or That which is on every. single. freaking. audition. ever.). I'm sure this in thanks in part to my discovery of The One reed today. Anyway, I know this isn't exciting for anybody but me. Unless maybe if your name is Erin, Ben or Heather. But be happy for me. I order you. It is quite an accomplishment, considering I have the tongue of a cow when forced to articulate anything on the devil stick. Wheee!!!


  1. Good luck with the job! It sounds awesome!

    I understand about the tempo thing, even if I am one of those crazy brass people. (0; Good job!!!

  2. I care! I was never able to get anything very articulated up to speed (ie. La damn Scala). My tongue is just too slow.

  3. Ewwwwww Mendelssohn. That flute excerpt is a bitch as well. My problem is my tongue wants to move at one speed, and my fingers want to move at an entirely different speed, and yeah.

    Dear god that sounds really dirty. Heh.

  4. Ys, I SO care about your reeds. I cannot adequately express in words how relieved I was to read of your success. I spent most of last night and this morning wondering if everything was going to work out as well as your bowel movements.

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