
Just FYI...

If you mosey on over to your nearby friendly neighborhood Star*ucks and order yourself a Grande Soy 2-pump no-whip Raspberry White Mocha, you will be a happier person for it. Just so you know.

Especially if it's a Saturday morning and you're on your way to the office.

Actually, I didn't mind going in today because I could go in at my leisure (i.e. sleep in some), and I have to work just for a little while to make up some hours that I missed during the regular work week to go to Wind Ensemble rehearsals at UW. Fair trade-off I suppose. Also, I got to drive to work while listening to Click & Clack on NPR's Car Talk, so I was in a good mood. On my previous unemployed Saturdays, I would just sleep right through Car Talk, so this is good.

Anyway, the fellow (Who, by the way, isn't really all that nutty after all. He's a good guy. And, no, I'm not just saying that because he treated me to a latte the other day. But that helped.) who I'm training with has been out of town since yesterday so I've been left to my own devices until Tuesday. Needless to say, I had to do a fair amount of "improvising" yesterday, which is always fun to do with a brand new job in a brand new field in which you have virtually no experience, but what-the-hey, you know? Keeps things fun.

In any case, I really think I will enjoy this job, and, the more I think about it, the more sure I am that I did the right thing choosing this job over the position at the Bellevue Philharmonic. The people within this company are way cool, and I already have them all wrapped around my widdle finger. Hahaha. Just kidding. But I do think we are a good fit. And, not that I am eager to have outgoing Print Buyer leave because, obviously, I still have a lot of learning and training to do in the next 2 weeks, but I am anxious to finally take over this position for realz if only so I can start re-organizing and implementing some of my own ideas into the print department for this company. Ooh, I'm excited! Every single organization-obsessed bone in my body is jumping at the bit to take over and do a major overhaul. Starting with this desk. Needs a woman's touch. An obsessive-compulsive woman's touch.

Anyway, back to the grindstone...


  1. I had an iced raspberry white mocha the other day. Decaf though. And skim milk. But I made it at work. No Starbucks. Just thought I'd share. :)

  2. Obsessive, compulsive organizing?! Now why couldn't this have kicked in 15 years ago when we were sharing a room?

  3. Hahaha. Some things just take time to develop, you know :)
