
Dear Blahg.

Yesterday I went out in a pair of thin jeans, a t-shirt and sandals because it was in the high 60s. Today, counting windchill, it was SIXTEEN F*ING DEGREES. Blergh. Good thing I decided to go to work in dress sandals (no socks) and a light sweater-coat. At 6:30 in the morning. You know, because it was so nice yesterday and everything. BOO.

Also: What better time to find out that Kablooie's windshield wipers are pure sh*t than when you are driving home from work in the rain on a major interstate, with the temperature so arctic-like that the rain literally freezes upon landing on the glass, and the wipers do nothing but gently nudge the slush around but not off of the windshield. Whee! What fun! And by "fun" I mean "complete diarrhea-inducing terror."

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