But in related news: this has not stopped me from snooping around on Crazy Lunatic Supervisor's Facebook profile and learning that OMG OMG OMG this crazy biatch has a Facebook page too! Wow, I didn't realize hateful, fugly trolls were allowed to have Facebook accounts now. I guess as long as you have an email address. In any case, I haven't figured out what to do with this newfound knowledge yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
In other news:
1. How is it eff-ing December already?! Jeebus. Wasn't it summer just, like, yesterday? No, seriously, where is the time going? Yeesh.
2. So what did you learn over Thanksgiving, children? Oh, hey, I learned that my eff-ing gums are receding. That's a fun thing to realize and subsequently obsess over endlessly - to the extent that you dreamt for the past two nights about nothing except going to Target and buying a soft bristle toothbrush. Ugh. How dare my gums recede?! I, who spends the first ten minutes of every morning brushing away like a maniac, and then gargling and rinsing with mouthwash until my mouth feels like it's melting away in a pool of acid. ...Oh. Maybe there's my answer. Anyway, after Googling the hell out of "receding gums" this past weekend, I have come to the confusing conclusion that I need to somehow clean my mouth better while not brushing my teeth as hard as I do. Damnit. Blergh. I guess I'll be flossing twenty times a day now. With an average of 3 showers a day, I guess it won't be a big deal to add one more obsessive activity to my hygeine routine. Oy, such is life.
3. Speaking of: Hey, you know what you should make sure to do if you, not only eff-ing have receding gums, but are also down to your final precious puff of your asthma inhaler and last 5 pills of your daily asthma medication? Decide to be a self-employed musician who can't afford health insurance. Yeah, that's it. It adds just that last little bit of sour inustice to the whole thing.
4. Oh, and in case you were wondering:
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