Just kidding just kidding just kidding. Come back!!! I totally need you to keep reading. It makes me feel good about myself.
Now seriously. Go add yourself to my follower list.
In other news: BB had a salon appointment (grooming at PETCO) today and came back looking like a completely different puppy! Mainly shorter, less maniacal knotted fur. If I could find my eff-ing camera battery charger, I would totally post a picture on here. But I can't. So I won't. The groomers reported that she had been an especially difficult little customer, to which I responded, "What the hell are you talking about? She's a lady. She would never act out. Never mind the fact that her nickname around the house is Krazy Eyez Killa." (True story...I mean about the nickname. Not about saying that stuff. Out loud.) Anyway. I think it's the combination of a vet visit yesterday for Round 2 of puppy shots followed 24 hours later by the grooming appointment that made her a little (or a lot) anxious. Good thing she has no idea she's going to be on a plane for 5 hours in just a few days... Baby Benadryl, you better do your magic!
On a related note: Wheeee! I go home in a few days!!
Also on a related note: Bela is taking full advantage of a worn-out and drained BB and has been sitting on the couch back directly behind me, just staring down at BB - who has been sleeping next to me - for the last 30 minutes. I can only assume that he is visualizing his plan of attack.
In other other news: Last night I totally caved and had a big bowl of creamy potato and broccoli soup for dinner. It was delicious. And then today I woke up to find that my Hoo-Hah is broken again. Ugh. Coincidence? I think not. At least it was a good excuse to go to Target and get a gigantic bottle of cranberry juice. And maybe a couple cans of Smokehouse Almonds and some chocolate chip cookies... Whatever, they were on sale.
One other thing: It would appear that every other person on Facebook, when not talking about how it is snowing in their respective location or how sick they are, is posting their status as being "[such percentage] done with his/her Christmas shopping." Is it bad that I am precisely 0% done with my Christmas shopping? Hm. It doesn't bother me. Maybe it should...? Meh. I'll get around to it.
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