
A little Sunday morning identity crisis goes well with my coffee.

Did you know that, on more than one occasion in the last year, I have had Asian people tell me that I am not Asian? Like, what? For example, in Seattle, a friend of mine who happened to be Japanese, told me - after about 2 years of knowing each other - that she has never thought of me as Asian. Even though I am 100% Filipino. So weird. 

In other news: there is no other news because the only other thing that I can think of to write about right now is work-related and I just can't bear to allow my precious weekend to be tainted with work-speak. *shudder* Ugh, except to say that I have a humongo pile of tests to grade today, which I am dreading. Suffice it to say that the state of our youth's essay-writing skills worries me to no end. Hey, you know what happens when you grow up before the advent of worldwide internet usage and text messaging and, instead, go to the library every Sunday after church with your family and, you know, get actual books to read? You learn how to write properly. 

Ugh, I'm old.

No, but seriously. I mean, sometimes I just read Calvin and Hobbes or Garfield comic books.Or Peanuts. Or the Adventures of Tin Tin! (note to self: wow, I read lots of comics) Sometimes I read something really high-brow like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. But...MY GOD. I think perhaps my hypothetical future child(ren) will be allowed to use the internet only after given a random topic by me and writing three clear and thoughtful sentences on said topic. So that, you know, when college comes around and they are required to write a simple paragraph on the role of the church and its influence on music during the Medieval period, they don't hand in a string of three gibberish-laden sentences that have roughly the same intellectual value as a pile of BB's turds. 

ETA: I say "BB's turds" because, clearly, Bela - being the acting president of The Finer Things Club - produces very sophisticated and intelligent turds that are more than capable of getting good grades in a college music history class.

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