
She's not a giiiirl...not yet a womannnorHoly sh*t, I'm practically a grandma.

Um, BB got her first period yesterday.

I believe the more kosher term is "in heat," but whatever. Our little girl is all grown up! My heart is exploding - to the strains of "Sunrise, Sunset" playing softly in the background.

If I could find where my goddamn camera battery charger is (which I can't), I would post a picture of our dear little BB in her pantilined Spiderman underoos, paperclipped at the tuckus because even the smallest sized boy undies are too big for her!

Also: this series of text messages may or may not have been exchanged this afternoon:

Me: I think I look like a perv...holding up all these different design underoos and giggling to myself in Target.

Schmoobs: Hahaha!

Me: Marvel Superheroes or Mickey Mouse?

Schmoobs: I think either of those sound perfect.

Me: Marvel has glow-in-the-dark prints...we have a winner!

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