
Why have there been no scientific studies done on this?orThank God for the heating pad that's currently soothing my aching back.

Remember how our little BB took her first step into womanhood a week ago? I swear to God her puppy-menses-ness completely effed up my cycle because for the past two weeks I have been PMS-ing like crazy and today got my Monthly Confirmation That I Am Indeed Without Child...more than an entire week early. And I am blaming it all on BB's puppy-strogen making my body want to line up our cycles or some weird crazy shiz like that. So bizarre. 

Anyway, as miserable as I am having to deal with this monthly Backache of Doom (my body's version of woman cramps, which I thankfully do not get*) twice in the last 4 weeks (UGH), I am thankful that it at least finally arrived because, holy heavens, extended-release PMS-ing when you're not even supposed to deal with any of that for like 3 weeks is not fun for any of the parties involved. I mean, seriously, once I annihilated our supply of Doritos and Little Debbie smores cookies, it was every Schmoobs for himself.

ps. We saw three movies at the theatre this weekend: Taken, Slumdog Millionaire and Gran Torino. All good movies - although one should just watch Taken as a matinee since it's not really worth the full ticket price (What is it now? Ten bazillion dollars per ticket?), or just wait until it comes out on DVD. Also: movie watching = good girlfriend-has-been-PMSing-for-the-last-century activity since it involves no talking and lots of sugary, salty junk food-eating.

pps. Guh. Do I really have to go teach more lessons now? This heating pad feels so good. Blargh.

* Can I talk about my bodily functions any more on this blog? Sheesh.

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