
Three posts in one day?! Jeebu Cristo!

I've totally been keeping up with the working out thing. Man, the first 3 days were painful. And I mean, IT LITERALLY TOOK ME FIFTEEN SECONDS TO WALK ACROSS OUR LIVING ROOM WHICH IS TEN FEET ACROSS painful. And I remember totally struggling to do three pushups the first day (which was way shameful for me, since I was the Pushup Queen in elementary school P.E.). But now I've gotten to the point where I can do ten normal and ten tricep pushups with minimal struggle AND I've started actually utilizing our apartment's gym. I've gone on a little jaunt (a healthy mix of walking, jogging, sprinting and cursing) on the treadmill for 25 - 30 minutes for the last two days. Go me. Being on the brink of T.H.I.R.T.Y. does wonders for getting your self-ass-kicking in gear. 

Anyway, this was all to get to the point of this story which is: In order to get to our gym, I have to walk about fifty feet outdoors (across the splooge tub and pool area) - which I try to avoid doing after the sun has gone down because that is when the summertime monster mosquitoes come out to play feast, but I didn't avoid it this evening - and I came back from the workout to find that A MOTHEREFFING MOSQUITO BIT ME ON THE TIP OF MY EFFING NOSE. So now I have a red protuberance that looks exactly like a pimple...except it has the added charm of itching like a mofo. Fahrfegblurghen.

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