
Oh cruel twist of fate!

How unfair is it to discover such a delicious,  PMSatisfyingly-cracktastic new treat like the Archer Farms Sweet Cajun Trail Mix in the last week...

...only to realize that, everytime you eat it, your entire left arm from shoulder to fingers swells up and breaks out in itchy red rashes. WAAAH! What kind of sick, cruel food allergy nonsense is this?!

So it's happened twice in a row. And both times it happened just five minutes into eating the trail mix and nothing else. I can't really be sure unless it happens a third time, right? Right?! 

Seriously though. It's super tasty. You should get some next time you're in Target. Hopefully you won't get hives when you eat it.

UPDATE: It's now doing it to both arms. WTF. Maybe don't get this poison mix next time your'e in Target. Bah.

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