
Banal commentary on my life.

  1. Hahaha. I said "banal.""B-anal." Hehehehee.
  2. You know what I hate? When I see actresses on tv with really cute bangs. And then I think that if I were to cut bangs into my hair in a similar fashion, that it would look similarly cute and adorable on me. And it might! For like two weeks. But then those two weeks of cuteness are filled with an extra five minutes (groan...I'm lazy) of hairstyling obligations every morning followed by two years of having to deal with waiting for my hair to grow back out. Blagh. Also see: layers.
  3. Related to number 2: I also hate hate hate having any hair in my face. So why would I think it is even a good idea to try bangs again for the zillionth time? Don't do it, Ysabel. Don't do it.
  4. But seriously. I shouldn't try bangs again, right? Maybe?
  5. Now that I have discovered Long Island Medium marathons on TLC at 2am, I am clearly done sleeping, at least in this stage of my life. Is she real? Is it fake? I don't care. It's entertaining. (She's totally real.) 
  6. Is it Thanksgiving break yet? For reals. I need a good solid week of not using my brain. My brain is a little sore and chafed from overuse. Speaking of, anyone have any tips on choosing a topic on which to write a 30 page research paper for a graduate seminar that is so phenomenally abstract and esoteric, that we are now two months in and I still don't have any idea what the hell the point of that class is? I just know we throw the words "hermeneutics," "ontology" and "poesis" around way too often in that room. Ugh. I can BS a term paper with the best of them...but 30 pages worth? 
  7.  You know what the only consolation is to it not being sandal weather anymore? The fact that it is hoodie and scarf weather. Hooray for that.

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