
Pros and cons of the day.

Okay, let's start with the con:

I got rejected for two more stupid measly University summer student jobs today. One of them was a $7.40/hr job.

I think I'll go wipe my ass with my two college diplomas now.


I cut off about 3 inches of dead disgusting hair MYSELF (to save money). And then colored the grays out of my hair MYSELF (to save money). And finally did a deep-conditioning treatment MYSELF (to save money).

So, I have really beautiful and healthy hair now.

I will use it to muffle the sounds of my tear-filled screams as I continue to be rejected for jobs for which I am overeducated and overqualified. Well, not tear-filled since I am still basking in the awesomeness that is our new house (Have I really not posted photos yet? Ooooops.), but this still seriously sucks. Somebody needs to employ me this summer and soon.

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