
Things I Cannot Wait For. (Things For Which I Cannot Wait?) (...Which I For Cannot Wait Things?)

1. My bangs to grow out enough for me to be able to tuck them behind my ears. By my estimation, this should happen by July or so.

2. My doctorate to be finished so I can be done with school and have a career once and for all. This will allow me to finally be able to start chipping away at my student loans with some degree of efficacy AND allow me to buy sushi/chocolate/cake/Chinese food whenever I get the craving without suffering from guilt or regret.

2b. To finally have a job that pays well enough for me to live happily and not spend 75% of my waking hours thinking about money as well as one that I do not dread or hate with a lava-filled passion. Also one that will fund my desires to travel the world with yearly stops in the Philippines for beachside mango rums.

3. Schmoobs to come back. Even if it's just for a night on Tuesday before he leaves again for three more days of work.

4. Visiting home this summer.  I needs to see me peeps.

4. Dinnertime. I think I'm going to cook up some chicken wings.

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