
'Tis the season.

Or, 'tis a season, more like.

The season for band camp. The season for Schmoobles being at work around the clock for the next week and a half. And the season for me hoping that doesn't trigger a hormonal psychotic break as I also prepare to enter the monthly season of The Confirmation That I Am Indeed Without Child.

Eh, it should be fine. I'm an old pro (emphasis on "old"...gah) at this by now and, anyway, I have plenty to keep myself busy with as I prepare to tackle my third semester of doctoral coursework.

Speaking of seasons, it's chilly out today. Like, I needed a sweater as I sat outside waiting for BB to go number twos in our backyard. IT'S AUGUST. Was der waaas*??

* "What the whaaaat??" I've been practicing a lot of German lately.

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