

And I was doing so well with the blogging, too.

Schmoobs and I are off to Indy for Nerd Corps finals week. It should be fun! It's been a while since I've played the role of small, strange, shadowy figure in the background, cursing at mosquitoes and tagging along with all the sweaty and burly men through football fields and parking lots in the dead of summer. At least we have a hotel room this time!

In other news, there are (I think?) three more weeks until the start of the new year. I've got plans to completely overhaul how I teach my Music 100 course sections, in hopes that it will be more interactive and varied for the students - i.e. less boring and stagnant for me. Hopefully, I'll be doing more blogging as these summer weeks wind down and my second year of coursework for my Doctorate in Fingers Toes and Fallopian Tubes Crossed That I Can Get a Job Afterwards ramps up.

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