
I've been a bad widdle blogger...

Dear God, I haven't updated in a long time. And I have so much mundanity -- is that a word? -- and pointless minutae to share with you all. Namely:
  • I hate Bank of America. Almost as much as American Airlines. Details to follow.
  • The acquisition of an actual living, breathing, working assistant at work has been both a blessing and a curse. Details to follow.
  • I think I've been gaining weight lately. This has not been helped by the fact that our recently purchased elliptical machine, has now turned into the elliptical coat rack in the living room. Details to follow.
  • I came home the other to find the singular most disgusting thing I have ever seen greeting me in the bathroom. Long story short, I ended up holding my urine in for over 4 hours because I was too traumatized to step within five feet of the toilet again. If you're lucky, there won't be any details to follow.
  • I'm getting some good practicing in at transposing a perfect 4th up on my devil stick. Somehow, this ties in with the person whose ass literally smells like poo. Details to follow. I'm sure you're all aflutter with anticipation.
  • I somehow found myself in the middle of an American Idol homecoming parade yesterday. Details to follow.
  • I made eggs benedict for breakfast this morning. Damn, hollandaise sauce is a bitch! Frankly, the entire recipe is a bitch. Ugh. Details to follow.
  • I've had a muscle spasm underneath my left eye for 2 days now. It is quite maddening. Details to follow unless it decides to finally stop before my next post. Please make it stop before my next post.......

And so much more! Now all you have to do is wait until I feel motivated (un-lazy) to actually elaborate on all those subjects.

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