
Topic 1: I've had a muscle spasm underneath my left eye for 2 days now. It is quite maddening.

Day 3 of The Infernal Eyelid Muscle Spasm That Will Not Go Away. This is becoming more and more intolerable, especially as it is interfering with my very important traditional weekend activities. Namely: hours and hours of mindless television viewing* and internet surfing, interrupted only by eating, sleeping and showering. Unfortunately, as I was surfing the intarweb looking for any useful information that may help me rid myself of this annoyance, I came across this on a University of Michigan website:

Eyelid Twitch

Minor eyelid twitches require no treatment as they usually resolve spontaneously. Reducing stress, using warm soaks, or correction of any refractive error may help. Some ophthalmologists recommend reducing caffeine usage.

G to the A to the H. Gah. This calls for a trip to Target... AND THEN TO STAR*UCKS AS AN ACT OF DEFIANCE!!!

ps. Happy Mother's Day to my mummy! I had flowers sent to her with a card which read "Look, I actually budgeted enough money to buy you flowers for Mother's Day! I'm learning...haha" What a good daughter I am.

* My recent faves: This show & this show. As I said, brainless. But wholly entertaining!!

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