How old and domesticated have you become when you find yourself watching reruns of "Project Runway" on Bravo at 10pm on a Saturday whilst making another - even better - batch of delicious nuts ("haha...nuts") and thinking to yourself: "I really should go to Target tomorrow and get some kitchen canisters to store all these baking ingredients."
Schmoobliedoos is out of town until tomorrow evening. That equals me:
1. relishing in an apartment that will stay clean for at least 2 days.
2. no surprise Dutch Ovens at night.
3. hours and hours of guilty television pleasures on MTV.
4. hours and hours of non-guilty television pleasures on the Food Network.
5. falling asleep at 2 in the morning on the couch with the kitchen and hallway lights and television set on the Food Network because I am no longer of capable of sleeping at night by myself without fearing the proverbial boogie man (In my case? His name is Knuckles. I'll explain tomorrow.).
That's all. So much mundanity and minutae to blog about...but today has been the very definition of a lazy weekend. I'll write more tomorrow after I've purchased some fabulous kitchen canisters at Target.
Oh man. I just realized that a couple friends invited me to join them on a Sunday visit to IKEA tomorrow. Squeee! I hope it doesn't interfere with my Pickup-Schmoobs-At-The-Airport time. What I mean is my Pickup-Schmoobs-At-The-Airport time better not interfere with my Buying-Cute-Swedish-Kitchen-Canisters-At-IKEA time.
UPDATE: It's now 11pm and I've moved onto watching "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and have just finished eating 2 hotdogs. Unfortunately, there was mold growing on the remainder of our hotdog buns, so I had to use sliced bread instead. Also, I spread some orange marmalade on the bread. And ate the weiners with mustard. Is that gross? The answer, in fact, is "no, it was actually strangely delicious." Don't judge -- I'm probably pre-PMS-ing. Blurgh. I do feel sufficiently disgusting now. Off to shower in an attempt to cleanse myself of the feeling of eating 2 marmaladey/mustardy hotdogs at 11pm. Then I can proceed to fall asleep on the couch so Knuckles doesn't get me.
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