Your puppy gets FAT, that's what!! BB is a cute tubby roly poly who can hardly jump up anymore!! AAACK! Time to hit the streets for some joint exercise, I guess....
"Does this angle make my butt look fat?"
Note to self: Begin BB's diet and exercise regimen STAT.
Oh, and Tahoe was super fun. Doy. Unfortunately, I opted out of the mid-day casino trip with both my brothers, my older brother's gf and my mom in which, apparently, all four of them won money. Blargh. Ah well, bygones. I suppose I can just go ahead and take a look at the bacon waffle (yes, you heard me right) I had for breakfast on Saturday morning to make myself feel better:
Strips of bacon embedded into this deliciously warm and crispy waffle. You should be thankful I took this picture before I doused this bad boy in maple syrup - otherwise you would be eating your computer monitor as we speak. And by "you" I meant "I."
Oh, and in case you were wondering, that wasn't my whole breakfast. This was my whole breakfast:
Note to self: Begin MY diet and exercise regimen STAT.
Oh, and note the now-syrup-drizzled bacony waffle goodness in that second picture NOM NOM NOM. Also: no, my family did not spend the whole weekend in Tahoe gambling and eating our arteries to happy death. There is a giant beautiful blue lake in that area to go to, after all. But seriously. Bacon wafffle. YUM.
Also, this reminds me. I've got an increasingly expanding folder of unnamed, unedited and unorganized photos in this laptop that I really need to take care of so my posting of summer vacation photos can come about with more ease...maybe later.
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