
Outsourced Facebook Status Update #7

Ysabel Sarte went to Target and proudly walked out with only the essentials: toilet paper and Drano Max. ...Okay okay okay and a box of mini donuts. I'M ONLY HUMAN, OK?! 


List of things that I picked up and very nearly put into my basket, but decided to put back on the shelf instead:

1. Lilac colored lip gloss. I love those pink lip colors that have a hint of a lavender hue to them. And I've always wanted to believe that that color would look good on me. Oh well, I guess I'll have to find out another day.

2. Chocolate bar with almonds and sea salt. Chocolate and big salt chunks? Very intriguing (especially since I am PMSing and am craving all things sweet and salty). But it was like $3 for a bar half the size of a regular Hershey's bar. ON SALE. Just couldn't do it.

3. Coffee maker with programming function and higher cup capacity. I've been wanting to upgrade our coffee maker for a while. But, alas, I couldn't justify buying a new coffee maker when ours is still perfectly functional. Blargh.

4. Area rug. I had a very quick vision upon walking past the home decor section of putting a little area rug and coffee table in our living room in lieu of the sad-looking and non-functional empty space that is currently inhabiting the area between our couch and television. And then reason got the better of me and I realized that an area rug and coffee table would just be two more additional items that we would eventually have to carry down four floors and cram into a moving truck. Oh, would that that "eventually" be sooner rather than later! Anyway, laziness prevails, so I let that fleeting fantasy pass.

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