

You know what's sooo totally awesome? Spending your last two nights of sleep dreaming about being in front of a goddamn classroom of students lecturing about music literature. Especially the part where you wake up in the wee buttcrack of dawn to go in front of a goddamn classroom of students to lecture about music lecture when you just spent the last six hours doing it IN YOUR SLEEP. So in my estimation, I have been working nonstop (both consciously and subconsciously) for about sixty hours straight.

Oh, and buying $70 of gas in one day (Please forgive me, Al Gore!) is also super awesome. Especially when you had to buy said retarded amount of gas in order to get from workplace A to workplace B and back to workplace A and you haven't seen a real paycheck since before Christmas. Belated bah humbug!

Ugh, I'm bitter and tired and crabby. Only snorgling with BB will lift my spirits. Oh, and the fact that LOST is in under six days! And the Olympics are in just over two weeks!! Wheeee!!!

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