
Three days in a row, you guys. I mean, this pretty much qualifies me to compete in the Olympics next month, right? Guys?

In other news: I got emergency-called today to teach an additional section of the Music Literature class.

1) Is this how it's going to be every semester? The not finding out you're going to teach adjunct classes until a week after the semester starts?

2) Hellz yes, pay raise. Now maybe I won't have to saw off my right nut to give to the IRS this year*.

So this officially means that I will be teaching adjunct courses five days a week in the mornings, and teaching a tremendously full buttload of private students in the afternoons and evenings. And still barely making ends meet at the end of the month. Ah, cruel injustice of the universe!

*shakes fist (which is connected to increasingly toned and sexay upper arms)*

* Still might happen.

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