
I will do anything to burn any of this life/job-dissatisfaction off of my body.

Hey, did you know that I've worked out for TWO whole days in a row now? Yeah, that's right sucka. Any by "work out" I mean: 20 - 30 measly minutes on the stationary bike (because I've given up on my weak ankles' ability to run on a treadmill anymore) and a few minutes of some spot toning to get my badonk a little tighter and higher and my perpetually hungry tummy a little tighter and less squishy. In related news: Hey remember when you were like nineteen years old and could eat an entire pizza and chase it all down with two corndogs and a root beer float without gaining an ounce?! ...Yeah, I miss those days.

With the teaching starting back up again this week, the trick will be making myself hit the gym consistently if just for a little bit every day. Okayokayokay maybe not every day. Five days a week? ...Three? If I were to completely let an alien being invade my body, I might just go ahead and wake up at like 6 in the morning to go exercise before getting ready for work each da-- BHAHA. WHO AM I KIDDING? 30 minutes a day is my humble goal right now. Wish me luck.

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