
Guten Taaaag!

Man, I love Saturday mornings. If I could marry Saturday mornings and make sweet sweet loving to it and give birth to a billion tiny little Saturday morningses, I TOTALLY WOULD.

Now, if I were a better person, I would probably try to eat something wholesome and nutritious for breakfast. Maybe some Raisin Brahms. Anything to counteract the Dinner of Which We Dare Not Speak that I disgustingly ate last night (psst...it was Pork n' Beans and corned beef hash OMGIAMSOGROSS). But as it is, I am sitting on my couch with Food Network on the television and a hot mug of coffee in my hand, so all is well.

In the meantime, can you guess which one is the Alpha Male? (Hint: It's the one dominating the sunpatch, as usual.)


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