
What else am I supposed to do?!?!

What do you do when you find yourself wanting to fix yourself a nice simple hotdog meal for dinner, but discover that your refrigerator currently contains precisely 3 hotdogs and 3 hotdog buns? I mean, one hotdog is not quite enough to soothe the currently Monthly-Confirmation-That-I-Am-Without-Child ravenous beast that I am. If I fix two hotdogs, then I am forced to leave one measly hotdog and one measly hotdog bun in the fridge, which to me just seems downright silly. So that leaves me in my current state of having cooked up three hotdogs in the kitchen just waiting to be eaten. Ugh. I haven't quite resigned myself to actually do it yet, but it is inevitable, knowing me. *Blurp*


Text message I just sent to Schmooblebuns:

"Grading exams makes me want to puke my brains out. ...Or it could be the three hotdogs I just ate. BLEEEAAGH."

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