
I'm crabby.

See. This is what I look like this morning. I don't even know why I'm so pissy. Oh wait. Yes I do. I AM M*****-EFFING PMS-ING RIGHT NOW. Didn't this just happen two seconds ago? By two seconds ago, I mean a little over two weeks ago, and the answer is yes, goddamnit.

In any case, not even a delicious hot cup of coffee and a morning off can stop me wanting to take both of my giant red claws (see picture) and snapping off the heads of every living creature that dares to cross my path. Except for BB and Bela. But not excepting Schmooblebuns. Sorry Schmooblebuns.

Oh, and speaking of Schmoobles: HIS OFFER WAS ACCEPTED LAST NIGHT. Yaaaay. Whoopty whoop. When these evil venomous hormones have left my body for another month, I will be very happy for him, rest assured. But right now my overriding thought is, "When am I going to m*****-effing know all the effing goddamn details?! Specifically, when am I going to have to pack up all my freaking crap into boxes again and goddamn carry them all down four stories and into a U-haul and up three stories?? Because I am really looking forward to that. BLEAH."

Eh. Okay, even I think that's enough negativity for one day. No weird dreams last night. Too bad. Oh wait...that gives me an idea...

Aaaaaah...this is much better!

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