
Depressed Panda is depressed.

So I guess my getting rejected from Unattainable Elitist Ivy League School of Really Smart Egghead Dumb Dumbs wasn't just a nasty dream after all. I was going to be very melodramatic and emo this morning and drink my coffee black - like my dejected spirit - but realized that was retarded because I really like vanilla cream in my coffee.

Can you imagine what Schmoobs and I looked like at our "Valentine's Day" (renamed by us: "Rejection Day") dinner and drinks last night? Hint: I looked like that panda, except holding a margarita. Hey, at least when we fail, WE FAIL TOGETHER. How romantic.

I am thinking of emailing Stanford back and telling them that the least they can give me in return for the $150 donation I just gave them is an actual hard copy rejection on letterhead (instead of email) so that I can frame it. Thoughts?

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