
Snowpocalypse: Day Four

So...why didn't anybody tell me that all I needed to do to get four snow days in a row was move to effing TEXAS? Hahaha. Good thing we have Facebook to keep us entertained. Oh wait, did I say "entertained"? I meant "smacking my forehead in disappointment at today's youth":


Aaanyway. Our attempt to get out of the house this morning and snag ourselves some seriously delicioso Chiloso breakfast was curtailed by a nice thick sheet of ice that had covered the entire hill driveway that leads out of our neighborhood. Oh well, plenty sufficient amount of leftovers at home! The weather is supposed to warm up some this weekend, so we should be able to get out and about. You know, before another potential snow system comes in next week. Wheee!

Hey. Pictures. Look:

 And on the second day, there was FIRE.

Pretty kitty. Healthy kitty! Warm kitty!!

The President of the Finer Things Club looking regal as always. 

Schmoobs: "How the hell are we going to be ready for next month's concert with all these missed rehearsals?!"
Ys (off screen): "Yeah...that's a tough one... Hey, put on the next episode of Battlestar Galactica!"

 Dreaming about roasting some Ysabel toes on a stick over the fire.

Let's just all agree that Bela is doing fireside yoga and not furiously licking his anus, okay?

Reason Number One why I haven't been to work since Monday. 

Reason Number Two (hehehe..."number two") why I haven't been to work since Monday.

If I squint really hard, I can pretend that I'm at Tahoe. 

Snowcover makes everything look quaint.

A round of Snow Tennis, anyone?

Obligatory feet in snow shot. 

View of the marina from our back window. 

Self timer shot #1: Boring. FAIL.

Self timer shot #2: Cliche mid-air jumping shot FAIL.

Self timer shot #3: So early that it caught me running back to the camera. FAIL.
Also note: that wool sweater was purchased at Target on extreme clearance for $5 and it is freaking WARM! Unfortunately it is also dry clean only ...which means that it will never be washed. Ever.

 Finally found a few people actually playing in the snow way in the distance. Seriously, where are all the kids who should be gleefully sledding down the hills? Probably all inside playing video games. Harumph. /old person grumbling

The Icy Staircase of Death. Much less traumatizing when it is only covered by snow. But you get the picture. 

 BB's turn in front of the fire.

Thank you and goodnight.

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