
I guess this is further confirmation that we are meant to be a pair.

This morning, Schmoobs got the bad news that he had not been selected to move on to the final round of his dream (for now) job.

This evening, I got the swift roundhouse kick of rejection from my dream school - Stanford.


In the meantime, our music department hosted Big Important Man-Child Clarinet Prodigy for a masterclass and luncheon and, at the masterclass, this lazy, apathetic, undeserving student received a shiny brand new professional clarinet from the guest artist's sponsor in some effing wacko show of charity.

*Looks at fourteen-year old, out-of-tune instrument in one hand and non-existent paycheck in other hand*

As our nation's greatest orators once asked: Where is the love, Universe?? WHERE. IS. THE. LOVE?

The silver lining to this miserably gigantor black cloud better be flipping fantastic.

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