

Things happened yesterday.

Such as:

We got some additional furniture for the house! Schmooblins has been in a manic Home Depot and Target frenzy and we finally got things like a lawnmower, a leaf blower, a rake or two, an office desk, a bookshelf, and this cute little window nook bench storage animal perch thing to fill up the empty space where our now-deconstructed Christmas tree once stood:

Isn't it cute? And by "it," I mean BB, Tre, Giggy the Giants beanie ball, and our new window nook bench storage animal perch thing.

Resolution update:

I have eaten two entire consecutive meals that have been free of gluten. Look! 

Vodka is gluten free, right? Also, omg look at my eyeball skin area. Damn this perpetually dry skin! Must amp up my skin lubrication regimen to level eleven! Also, hopefully this terrible gluten free thing will help. IT BETTER.

Resolution update number two:

Study goal for today: Read the New Grove entry for Concerto. Egads. Bring me ALL THE COFFEES!

Also, next Tuesday should be fun:

More updates to come. Winky smiley face.

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