Third consecutive day of re-blogging, you guys!
Things I have done today:
1. Finished up reading the New Grove entry for Concerto in keeping up with my end-of-the-month Common Rxams study schedule. Yes, it turned into a two day project instead of one. My attention span and short term memory are basically non-existent at this point, so it takes me about an hour to get through each page of academ-- *refreshes Facebook*
See what I mean??
2. Used a Sharpie to color in the grays that are showing through where I part my hair. You guys. I am ridiculous.
3. Achieved my fourth consecutive bread-free meal. My awareness of the unfinished box of delicious buttery Ritz crackers sitting in our pantry is growing stronger by the day. Somebody tell me not to eat them. SOMEBODY QUICK.
3. Achieved my fourth consecutive bread-free meal. My awareness of the unfinished box of delicious buttery Ritz crackers sitting in our pantry is growing stronger by the day. Somebody tell me not to eat them. SOMEBODY QUICK.
4. That's pretty much it. Until more news tomorrow. Still winky smiley face.
This is why we call him "Trazy." About two seconds later he fell backwards and knocked off half the stuff on our television stand.
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