
Really really mean phone messages also: Olympics Check-in #1

Okay, so I get this message from my 4-year old niece, Kat, while I was at work today. It went like this:

"Hi Auntie Ysabel. When are you coming to visit? ...Can you come tomorrow?"

I think my insides spontaneously melted as I checked my voicemail.

The "mean" part was that it was so obviously a calculated maneuver by my own mother. I know this because 1) my mom had just called my phone 5 minutes before and did not leave a message, and 2) I could hear her in the background right before Kat started the message saying, "Ok, go!"

Thanks, Mom! You know playing the Kat card is completely underhanded! She is like kryptonite! What do you want me to do? Spend my paycheck on a plane ticket to California so I can come see you guys this weekend??!! Because I will!!!! Gaaaaaaah!!!!


In other (i.e. Olympics!!!) news:

  • I am obviously hearbroken over the fact that Michelle took herself out of competition. But her graciousness and generosity in doing so only solidified my admiration for her. I can admit that she is no longer in top condition. There's now a new crop of skaters that are younger and more physically in their prime. But Michelle was just so great to watch. I really don't care now if the U.S. medals in women's figure skating. Does that make me a bad American? Cohen can kiss my well-toned patootie and so can the little mini-me version of the biznatch who stole the gold from Michelle 4 years ago. Maybe I can root for the third girl on the U.S. team (otherwise known as "Whatsername"). I have nothing against her. Yet.

  • Will everyone lay off Bode's back already? He's an f*ing skier, not Captain America. Plus, he's still got the Super-G. And if, for whatever reason, he doesn't win gold? He can still whoop your -- as well as anyone else's -- bootay on the mountain.

  • Shaun White (Yeah yeah yeah, "Flying Tomato" blah blah) is hilarious. As well as talented. Oh, to be a multi-millionare skate/snowboarder at 19 years old. His only fault? That he has the hots for Cohen. Blah.

  • Oh, and did anyone else SEE that interview of the Russian pairs skaters after the Chinese pair Zhang and Zhang had a horrible fall in which it looked like the female skater could have dislocated her hip or fractured a knee and then still managed to finish their routine almost flawlessly??!! ...Probably not. Anyway, I won't even bother to explain the whole story because I know nobody out there really cares (heathens!!!), but long story short (and I have nothing against Russians in general, mind you): the woman in the Russian pair is a self-centered raving lunatic!! A beeeeeetch!!! You'd think getting dropped on her face by her partner a couple of years ago would have knocked some sense -- or at least a sense of sportsmanship -- into her. I guess not.

  • And lastly, I would just like to say this: Um, could Apolo Anton Ohno be any hotter??!! He was decently attractive in Salt Lake, but I do have to say Damn, if he hasn't progressed nicely in the last four years!!*

* These last sentiments in no way reflect on my deep and unabiding love for Scotty McScotterson. He is my very own personal hottie!! Dare I say, my schmoopy? Hahahahahaha! I made you all gag!!!


  1. *can't stop laughing at your use of the word "schmoopy"...!!!!!!!!!!*

  2. Apollo Anton Ohno is indeed VERY hot.... I especially like the obligatory ass shots while he's bent over after each race. Very nice.


  3. You might as well start planning to move back to CA now. In a couple of years, you'll have TWO neices calling (begging) for you to come visit. It's you're own fault, in a way, for being the cool favorite auntie.

  4. Well you have officially demasculated Scott. First you tell us that he passed out from drinking wine, now schmoopy? And yes I've been watching and snowboard cross rules! Next year I want to see speed skating derby. That would be cool!
    see you next week.
