1. What is your middle name? Mateus. My mom's maiden name. A musicology professor once told me it comes from Portuguese origin. I have no idea how to spell Portugeez. Portugueueueuese.
2. What size is your bed? Queen? Full? Ich weiss nicht.
3. What are you listening to right now? A Mozart piano concerto on the radio. A co-worker on the phone. People hanging some paintings in the art gallery next door.
4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 13
5. What was the last thing you ate? A stale cinnamon pastry and coffee for breakfast. Now have moved on to a bag of Cheez-Its. And coffee. My eating habits frighten even myself.
6. Last person you hugged? Scott?
7. How is the weather right now? Overcast, but not too nipply.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? J.W. (the Bossman) needing a ride back to the office from his meeting.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Ugh, I already anwered this. Their smell, ok??!!
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes
11. How long have you been with him/her? 1.25 years
12. Do you have a crush? See #9.
13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? No. That freaks me out. Plus I always fall asleep or vomit (ew) before I get to that point anyway.
14. Hair color? #9
15. Eye color? #9
17. Favorite holiday? #9
18. Favorite season? Autumn.
19. Ever cried for no reason? Not for no reason, no. (HA! A triple-negative!!) Even if it's hormone-induced, there's always a reason. Right, ladies?
20. Last movie you watched? Was it all the way back to King Kong? I think so.
21. How many mirrors are in your room? Just one in the back of the door. People from UOP: remember the magic mirror in my apartment that made everyone look tall and skinny? I miss that mirror...
22. If you are white, do you know any other Fall-Out Boy songs other than "sugar we're going down"? Say what now? Fall-Out-wha?
23. Have you ever decapitated a barbie doll? Barbie, schmarbie. It was all about She-Ra, Ha-Man and Skeletor!
24. Do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks? Oh. My. God. If you even have to ask, I forbid you from reading my blog and being my friend ever again.
25. Does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you? No
26. Do you have any friends of the gay preference? "Gay preference"? What does that mean exactly? I have gay friends, yes. And they are awesome.
27. Do you think Jesus is great? Jesus is Grrrrrreat!! Perhaps some interpretations of his teachings leave something to be desired...
28. Is cheese like the best food ever, or what? Totally!!
29. What books are you reading? None. I no longer read after getting DVR. I am now only capable of enriching my brain through moving pictures on a screen.
30. Piercings? Still 5.
31. Favorite movie? Agh, too many. Princess Bride, Usual Suspects, Endless Summer II, Star Wars, LOTR, etc etc etc.
32. Favorite college football team? Wha?
33. What were you doing before filling this out? Um...working? ...But not really.
34. Any pets? Just Scott's cat, Bela. He rocks.
35. Dogs or cats? Yes. But only until my allergies and asthma kick in and I want to tear my eyeballs out from their sockets.
36. Favorite flower? Irises. Or poppies. Or wildflowers.
37. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Yes. But I was only unable to talk myself out of it once.
38. Have you ever loved someone? Isn't that from a Celine Dion song? Or was it Brandy? Anyway, the answer is yes.
39. Who would you like to see right now? Kat. My family. Scott. Ben. Sarahs. Etc etc etc.
40. If you could be anyone else (living) for a day, who would it be? Hmm...maybe Kobe Bryant so that I could kick @$$ at just one basketball game and then throw myself off a cliff.
41. Have you ever fired a gun? No. Ew.
42. Do you like to travel by plane? I like travelling and I like airports, but I despise airline travel. The air is stale. I look forward to the age of tele-transportation.
43. Right or left-handed? Right-O!
44. If you could be with someone right now who would it be? Didn't I already answer that question in #39? I don't like this survey very much.
45. How many pillows do you sleep with? One or two. But sometimes none if my neck is being difficult.
46. Are you missing someone? When am I not, really?
47. Do you have a tattoo? Nicht.
48. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning? Sleep has replaced cartoons as my weekend luxury. And if I weren't asleep, I'd like to be listening to Saturday morning NPR programming. Wait, when did I turn into my dad??
49. Are you hiding something from someone? Yes. MWAHAHAHahahahaha...
50. Do you play an instrument? Ugh, this survey SUCKS.
Lol, you complain about the survey, but you still complete it and post it in your blog. ;-) You're silly!!! :-D