Hey, you know what I miss? Blogging about work. Namely:
blogging about the delightful nincompoops and lunatics that I used to work with everyday in Knoxville. Ach, but I've been scoping out the internet savviness of this new workplace and I'm still too paranoid to go there. This is Seattle - birthplace of Microsoft - after all. And I have a bad feeling that the second I write about anything even remotely critical (i.e. entertaining) about anybody here, I'd get put on the first train back to Unemploymentville. And that ain't a place I'm ready to go back to yet, ya know what I mean? Especially since, as I've told you all recently, I am currently driving around in a big mildew-harboring sponge-on-wheels and will be needing money to turn it back into the glorious beautiful Lucky it once was. But
oy! the stories I have just begging to be shared with the world!! *
sigh* Lucky for you, you're all just one unfortunate meeting with a whisky sour or two and a laptop away, and the stories will be free for one and all...
In the meantime, the
red Star*ucks holiday cups are here for the season, as are the Eggnog and Gingerbread (and Peppermint...but that's available year round) Latte...wheee!!!

Holiday Bliss in a cup.
Interesting post... Gosh, I'm interested in hearing more about your story... Thanks for linking to Idea Sandbox... - Paul
ReplyDeleteHello Ys!!
ReplyDeleteI cant predict what this means but....my car suddenly began leaking water too!! Damn you and your voodoo doll witchcraftery.
Man, I know you want to be just like me, Heather, but this shows true dedication!
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say, I live love and die for Quattuor Ventus!! Awwwww.
ReplyDeleteooh, i've been thinking about Star*ucks the last 3 days... now I'm going to have to give in.... mmm gingerbread!!!! (0;
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to a delirious Target run soon as well... You encourage me! (0: