

My throat hurts. Waah. Also, my whole body hurts and I can't seem to do anything but lie down on the couch, wrap myself up in a sleeping blanket and moan quietly to myself. Bah, damn this blasted flu season...


In other (happier) news: I just came back from spending the last day and a half in California for my baby niece's baptism. The fam is just as kooky as always. Someday, when I'm not slumped down on a sofa having myself a pity party and sipping some disgusting steaming hot TheraFlu from a mug, I will tell you all about it. It was fun. Except for the fact that the airline - I kid you not - managed to lose my luggage...again. Oy vey. Ok, back to wallowing on the couch and watching the Food Network. Huzzah!


  1. Poor Baby! You know that Theraflu thing is all wrong. You need some honey and Jack..Tennessee sippin' whiskey. Did you not learn that in Big Orange Country?

  2. Jack sounds pretty good right now... :) But damn, that really sucks about your luggage. Is it the same airline? Because I really think you ought to find a new one if so! One that's more clarinet player-friendly, anyway. :)

  3. I think the flu is on it's national tour this week. I continued my Thanksgiving tradition of letting Karen's mom feed me for the holiday. I was pretty excited about hanging out with Karen and Aaron, but Aaron went to his home in PA with the flu. When I got to the McNeely complex, Karen's dad had the flu, and now *I* have the flu in MI. Perhaps I can find someone who is going to Texas and give it to them.

    It's always polite to share.
