
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

1. Oy, my aching shoulder! When I got home from work today I had to pop an Ibuprofen and put a heating pad on my defective shoulder which has been hurting for over a year now. Agh. The crazy hippies with whom I am slowly growing accustomed to habitating with in the Pacific Northwest (and Heidi, I believe) have recommended acupuncture to me as an alternative therapy. Oh, you mean there's something out there that's better than paying a $30 co-pay, and then waiting in the waiting room for 2 hours only to have your doctor do 3 minutes worth of lame-o tests and then come to the conclusion that you just need to take some Advil and "stop doing whatever you're doing" when your shoulder starts hurting? Hm.

2. While I was at "work" the other day, I just happened to be perusing the Myspace pages of my friends when I noticed that Sarah L. had received the wonderful gift of rhyme (wait, they were haikus, so never mind...) from Dan on her Myspace page. And because I was starved for attention what with being Scott-less for a couple of weeks, I admonished Dan for not writing me witty poetry as well. And because he is such a swell guy, Dan proceeded to compose me a series of the best limericks EVER. And because I am awesome, I thanked Dan profusely. And because he is a whiny little bitch, Dan left me a comment on my last post complaining that I never mentioned the proof of his rhyming skillz on this blog. And because I want to get him off my back, here is a transcription of the truly awesome set of hilarious limericks that Dan wrote for me (Happy now, DAN?!):

I know you're so lonely you're sick.
It's just you and your cursed devil-stick.
You wanted haiku,
but sorry for you,
You just get this dumb limerick.


There once was a girl named Ys.
She played the Devil-Stick just like a Wiz.
But just for enjoyment
she sought out employment
out west where her sweetie pie lives.

She then got a job selling music
to others who might want to use it.
She got a PC
and autonomy
and enough free time for her to abuse it.

One day while she drove her car, Lucky
she noticed a smell that was quite ucky.
The rain and the cold
had spawned so much mold
she could only exclaim "Oh f*** me!"

Then one day Scott went to drum corps
and as soon as he got out the front door
she cried, "Woe is me!
I'll be so lonely!"
But that dear is what Myspace is for.

Sorry I had to call you a whiny little bitch, Dan. You know, sometimes the truth hurts. Just kidding :) Thanks again for writing this piece of brilliance!

3. Scott is coming home to visit tomorrow!!! YAY!!! I am overcome with joy because, a. I miss my schmoobliewooblies, and b. Bela, although far surpassing the five-day craziness mark, definitely began the Going Crazy And Trying To Kill Ysabel process the other night when he kept trying to eat my big toe for no reason and eventually bit my foot and made me so scared for my life that I jumped on the couch and hid under a big comforter for protection while I slowly waited for Bela to snap out of his pyschosis.

UPDATE: Oh noooo!!!


  1. Now I am happy. Carry on.

  2. Now that Dan sure is a talented guy. ;)

  3. Once again, my money is on Bela. Sure Ysabel is a scrapper but she has no skill compared to flying furball.
