So I've decided to cut back on the dairy. Not even real dairy, since I'm slightly lactose intolerant. I'm cutting back on soy milk. You know what this means: No more soy lattes for Ysabel.
*pause for dramatic effect*
That sound you just heard was my blackened heart turning so dark it metamorphosized into a lump of charcoal and then crumbled into a million pieces, eventually leaving nothing but a pile of gray dust in the very depths of my soul.
...Oh, who am I kidding? I could never cut lattes out of my life completely! I'm just trying to keep it at a minimum since I have convinced myself that the excessive drinking of the lattes and the eating of all the cookies at work were making me a little soft around the edges. Specifically, the edge directly underneath my chin. Incidentally, this makes me think of a few years ago when I was stuck in the literal depths of hell (i.e. central Missouri) for an entire summer playing with the Missouri Chamber Orchestra and, as a (retarded) way of 1. saving money and 2. thinking I was being healthy, I went for two months straight eating almost nothing but raisin bagels and soy milk. I'm not kidding. I thought, hey! bagels and soy milk! and doing nothing but sitting on your butt and playing clarinet! and enjoying the occasional adult rerfreshment with your fellow musicians! What could possibly be better for your health?! What a dolt.
Anyway, I've been doing my best to work around my latest self-imposed constraint and have been drinking more tea, coffee with only a small bit of cream* and -- miracle of miracles! -- good ol' fashioned water. And coconut juice. Especially the kind with pieces of young coconut** in it. Mmm...tropically goodness. See how healthy I am?!
Speaking of healthy, I was bored after I came home from work today and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Sunset comes freakishly late in these parts, and what with the slowness at work and my subsequent leaving of the office freakishly early on some days (today, for example), as well as with Scott currently sunburning himself to a crisp in Drum Corps Land and, concurrently, Bela's lack of conversational skills, I felt the need to get out for a while. Anyway, don't ask me how, but I somehow found my way back at that Thai restaurant where Scott and I saw Papa Dwight last weekend. I got a Thai iced tea***. It was delicious. I cannot seem to stay away from the Thai-related food products. It may be developing into a problem.
On my way back, I dropped by our apartment rental office to drop off a check for our water bill and I heard some voices coming from the direction of our outdoor pool. Turns out our pool is now open! I had no idea! I checked last week and the pool was dry and I was sad. Anyway, I went in the gate to see how people could possibly be enjoying themselves in the pool when it was like only 62 degrees outside. Well, durn me, the pool was freaking heated! Long story short, you all now know where I shall be for the remainder of the summer... Huzzah!
* This morning at work I put my bit of half-and-half into my mug first and then stuck it in the microwave to heat it up, so as to maximize the heat-potential of my cup of coffee, and when I took my mug out of the microwave, I caught a good whiff of the warm milk. It smelled alarmingly good. Has anyone else noticed how good steamed milk smells? I think it reminded me of when I used to heat up a bowl of milk in the microwave for my (Greatest Cat in the History of the Universe Ever Even Though Bela Comes in at a Very Close Second) cat Buddy when I was growing up. Little did I know that cow's milk is actually not good for cats. Forgive me Buddy! I only wanted the best for you! Anyway, nuked milk smells really good. On that note, is anyone else disturbed by the fact that I was so taken by the smell of my warm milk that I had to write about it in my blog?
** By the way, every time I've tried to type the word "coconut" I end up typing something that looks like a very bad word at the end of it. I'll leave you to determine what that word is. It's too dirty! ...and would require me to say 10 holy rosaries in penitence.
*** I am fully aware that Thai iced tea contains copious amounts of dairy and sugar. Agh! Shortest Period of Self-Imposed Denial Before Succumbing to the Delicious Temptation Ever! I'm only human...
Anything that has to do with food and drink is worthy to write about - especially if it makes you happy. Steamed milk does smell good!!!