
Papa Dwight!

Last night, Scott and I went to dinner at this really good Thai* place that's right around the corner from our apartment when I noticed that sitting at a table on the other side of the room was an older gentleman that looked just like an older version of Dwight Schrute. I mean, he looked exactly like him but like 25 years in the future! Scott pointed out that there was a very good chance that he could have been Rainn Wilson's dad because he is from here, and Rainn actually grew up in Shoreline, which is like right near where we live and, incidentally, about three miles from the Thai place where we were very politely dining ravenously stuffing our faces full of tasty treats. Anyway, I thought about going over to his table after he left to see if he signed his credit card receipt as "(Something) Wilson," but I thought that might look a little shady. Oh well.


Also, Scott left this morning to embark on his Summer of Drum Corpsy (that word looks macabre) Goodness. Therefore, Ysabel is:

a. Wallowing in self-pity at how much she is going to miss her schmoobles.
b. Excited at the prospect of getting out and enjoying all the fun stuff to do in Seattle that there hasn't been time and/or non-rainy days to enjoy thus far.
c. Stoked that multiple people came up to her at the last UW Wind Ensemble gig yesterday to ask if she wanted to hang out this summer.
d. Fearing what will happen in approximately five days, which is roughly how much time passes when Scott goes out of town before Bela becomes literally insane and tries to eat Ysabel.
e. Looking forward to eating the Thai leftovers from last night.

* I know that this means that this marks the third time I have had Thai food for a meal in the last 4 days. Jealous? In case you care (or just because it brings me joy just to even mention it's deliciousness), we had Tom Kha (sp?), Pad Kee Mao (sp?) and Mussaman (sp?) Curry. Ah, Thai food: so delicious, yet so difficult to remember how to spell.


  1. I'm very jealous of you and your Thai food. The most exotic thing we have here is Chinese buffet. *sigh*

  2. Just so you know, my money is on Bela.
