
How to tell if you are the World's Most Evil Viola Teacher Ever.

1. Greatest Print Assistant Ever calls you a Bitch.

2. Ysabel calls you a Heinous Bitch.

3. Store Manager #2 calls you a Bitch Sandwich.


In other news: I am in full-on PMS mode, which, I have found, seems to vary widely in my case from month to month. While I have not been blessed with the Backache of Doom, nor the Instantaneous Crying Jags at Pictures of Baby Animals, I have managed to spend the last 48 hours eating every feasibly-edible thing that has crossed my path, leaving nothing but a barren path of destruction. Day old pizza? Check. Red Robin guacamole & bacon burger with fries? Check. Peanut Butter double stuf Oreos? Check. Large order of Tom Kha Gai soup? Hell yes. Check. Half-eaten chocolate cookie from Star*ucks that I forgot I had put in my purse? Happy surprise! Check. Week old strawberry milkshake that I just remembered I put in the freezer? So gross. Check.

*sigh* Someday, this metabolism of mine will go kaput and my world will become very bleak. Also, my ass will become very large. But until then... off to Panda Express!!!*

* Totally not even kidding. Oy vey.

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