I've finally noticed my appetite starting to perk up again the last day or so. I've been eating essentially one meal a day for the last couple of weeks. This was due in part to the fact that I have the bad habit of always choosing an extra 15 minutes of sleep over breakfast and also not eating at work. Too busy fighting off the urge to strangle 70-year old piano teachers with my bare hands. Also, I have been too busy eating my own phlegm while suffering from the Annual Black Plague (see below). But I am going to take this renewed sense of hunger as a good sign that I am getting back into good health. Hooray.
Agh, there's a lot to post about. Nothing terribly exciting or dramatic (i.e. entertaining). Just the standard run-of-the-mill banality that you've come to know and love from this blog. Like how Scott and I have a new addition to the family (No, not that, doy. That would involve a trip to the nearby confessional and then, subsequently, like twenty zillion Hail Marys.). I'll show you later. And how I have grand plans to take shower #2, then grab a Star*ucks latte and head over to Chez Target later today. OMG. I just creamed myself just thinking about it. I now understand Scott's burning passion for college football Saturdays, because I have come to realize that it is the equivalent of my Star*ucks Target Saturdays. Although this makes me sad that I have no girlfriends/sister/mother/Daddy #1 nearby with which to share in this glorious weekly activity. *sigh* Why can't you all move to Seattle already? Geez.
Anyway, I'm too lazy to go into any detail right now. Must commence stuffing my face with pizza and breadsticks on the couch while watching Alabama beat the poo out of Tennessee. Boooo. Only sipping a Star*ucks Soy Pumpkin Spice Latte while strolling through the aisles of Target can remedy this.
What?! We're all counting down the days when Scott graduates and you all move back to NorCal.