
A couple things.

1. Okay, so I didn't end up making the Miang Kum last night. I did, however, spend a thoroughly lengthy amount of time at the grocery store after work scrounging up the ingredients which, all in all, were not at all terribly difficult to get. I ended up substituting a more commonly found bottled plum hoisin sauce (like I'm actually going to make a sauce...) than the elusive tamarind chutney my recipe called for. And the only thing I could not find at the standard non-Asian specific grocery store was plain shredded coconut. All they had was the sticky sweetened kind in the baking aisle. So I ended up going to the nearby Asian store for that. No worries. And then I got home, took my shoes off, watched some requisite bad television and decided that I was too lazy to even do all that chopping and dicing. BUT. I did end up making some vegetarian (because tofu is so much easier than animal carcas) Swimming Rama instead. Steamed spinach, broccoli and fried tofu in delicious peanut sauce. Too bad I didn't rinse the spinach off well enough and ended up eating dinner with a side of gritty dirt. Oh well. Anyway, when I feel up to the dreaded chopping and dicing in the next couple of days, I'll actually make some Miang Kum.

2. I may or not be working through a free online German course instead of doing actual work this morning. Whatevs. I don't feel bad. It's slow as hell, I'm caught up, and this is going towards my goal of heading back to doctoral school in a couple of years. I'm all about the multi-tasking!

3. Must See TV is back tonight! Woo hoo!

4. Ugh. I can't blog and study German at the same time. Off to spend the remaining 2 hours of my workday being studious so I can someday be a world famous musicologiclarinerd. Tschuss!


UPDATE: I just blew my nose and I think my brain exploded. I can't hear out of my left ear anymore. Seeing as how two people from work have stayed home from sickness this week, this does not bode well. I can't be getting sick when this weekend is forecast to be sunny and in the high sixties! And yes, the high sixties is very exciting when you live in Seattle! Gah!

UPDATE II: I feel it is my duty to let you know that I had not ein, but zwei BMs at work this morning. Achtung! Perhaps I should lay off the leafy greens, peanut sauce and espresso combination? That is all.

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