Confession: I did not design the beautiful swirly doodads. They came predesigned. Which makes it that much more pathetic that this took me SIX HOURS yesterday. So, honestly, five of those six hours were devoted to that thingy on the right edge that is supposed to be a partial clarinet silhouette that is connected to the fabulous green swirly swoosh. My question to you is: how does the clarinet look? Does it look like a clarinet? Or does it look like a weird green blob? I wanted it to look somewhat abstract and part of the overall design, and then when you take a closer look, you're all, "Oh my goodness, that's a clarinet! What a creative genius this Ysabel must be! I simply must have her teach my child clarinet lessons this instant!" And clarinerd note: I love that I only put one screw on the ligature instead of two, because I play on a Vandoren Optimum which only has one screw (pat on the back for that one!).
Anyway, can I just tell you how frustrating it is to realize a couple of hours into the process that the borders they give you on this designing site are not accurate, especially when you're trying to get the image file pasted on just so so that the correct amount of the clarinet silhouette shows up on the final product? The answer is very frustrating. And don't even get me started on all the trial and error it took to try and get the dark brown and avocado green colors on my clarinet image to match the ones on the predesign of the card. Using Microsoft Paint because that's all my work computer has. And drawing on the tail end of the green swoosh to connect onto my clarinet silhouette and getting it to match and connect exactly to the swoosh on the predesign? That was loads of fun.
All in all, I am fairly pleased with the final product. I don't think the color matches are exact, but what the hell, they're close enough. I'm hoping any color discrepancies will actually not be too visible on the actual business cards. And upon closer inspection, I do wish that I had gotten a little bit more of the clarinet bell into the frame because I think that would have made the obviosity (I know I just made up that word) of the clarinet shape more apparent. But what are you gonna do? I already bought a batch.