Q. What does one do when the one torurous week of packing up an entire 2-bedroom apartment and loading 98% of all your earthly possessions into one giant Penske truck are over and your Schmooblebuns has left to embark on the 2,000+ mile drive down to the godforsaken Land of Cowboy Boots and Barbecue?
A. Well, blog. Doy. Or more accurately: cry, then eat, then cry again, sleep a little, cry some more, eat some more, go to work, have officemates give you pitying glances because they all kind of know what is going on and see that my eyes are slightly red and more than slightly puffy, seek comfort from 3 shots of espresso, go home and vacuum up the mess of old potato chip crumbs on the living room carpet unearthed after taking away the sofa that had been hiding it all for nearly 2 years, eat unsightly amounts of fast food, fall asleep on an air mattress in the living room watching "Jon & Kate Plus Eight," go to work the next day...then blog.
Anyway, our apartment is quite barren. All that is left is me, the old television, a lamp, my clarimanets, some clothes, the air mattress, some blankets, a few kitchen appliances that I can donate to Goodwill when the time comes and Bela. Oh, and about 30 pounds of assorted dust particles scattered throughout, which has, in the last week, succeeded in causing my allergy-induced asthma to flare up to the nth degree, thereby forcing me to make an appointment with a nurse practicioner to renew and up my asthma meds. One day later and I've got a prescription for 4 meds - one of which is a Peak Flow meter, which is this tube that kind of looks like an inhaler mixed with a small snorkel that you blow really hard into to gauge your lung capacity. I am told to use every day to keep track of and gradually build up my lung power. I was told that the goal level for someone my age and size is 477 -- right now my level is 350. Blergh.
In any case, the plan is for me to stay in Seattle and work until the end of August, whereupon I will drive (un)Lucky down to California (hooray!), with a possible pit stop in Eugene - Hi Julia! Remind me to ask you if I can crash your pad for a night next time we talk! - so I can visit with friends and the fam for a week or two, leave (un)Lucky in California, then fly to Dallas in early September.
*** Oh geez, I just remembered that I also still have Scott's ginormous saltwater fish tank in the apartment that I have to find a way to get rid of before the end of August. It's functional. Also, it weighs roughly one trillion pounds. Anyone out there want to buy it? Pleeeeaaase. ***
ps. I responded to your comments on the previous post. Read it!
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