
Oy, my aching groin!

I'm sure you wish there was more to that story, but there really isn't. I was at work today and noticed a slight soreness in my right groinal area. And then it got increasingly worse throughout the day. And now I'm forced to walk around with a very pronounced, albeit unintentional, hippy-hippy shaky-shaky swagger that would illicit the type of unwelcome attention from neighborhood slimeballs if I were to live in a city that warrants the wearing of skin-baring short shorts and tank tops in the middle of July. But in reality it is like 60 degrees* here and I am still wearing long pants and fleece jackets outdoors. So my groinal sexy-walk has no effect.

I thought I had more to say, but I don't remember.

* Haha! Hear that, Rest of the Country? It's 60 degrees here! I bet you're soOOoOOooo jealous! ...Oh wait, I'm moving to TEXAS in a few weeks. Phooey.


Oh, and I should mention that I got this text message from Schmooblebottoms last night:

I just saw a funny Snickers commercial where they sang Greensleeves in a car and I thought of you.

You know, this commercial:

I found it wildly entertaining that this commercial made him think of me. If that doesn't sum up the wackadoodle romance that is the essence of our relationship, I don't know what does.

Also, I think it had something to do with this.

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