
Because I've been getting flak (flack? Aflac??) from the brother-in-law for not updating.

1. I just ate a leftover Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell that may or may not have been over a week old. I'm sure hilarity will ensue.

2. Go see Wall*E. It is officially The Most Amazing Movie of 2008.

3. I have lately been coughing consistently with increasing severity, sometimes to the point of near-vomitation. This is perplexing because this only happens when I haven't been taking my asthma medication. Unfortunately, this has not been the case lately. The dry-heave coughs are not fun. Especially when I have just finished eating several-day-old Taco Bell leftovers meaning that the dry-heaves might just lead to chunky-wet-heaves.

4. Oh yeah. I think I might be moving to Texas. Crikey.

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