Also, Clarinet Don has reminded me in his previous comment that I have not updated you all on my Super Secret Awesome Project. That is because it is still in the works -- but in its final phase of completion. So just hold your horses and I will let you all know exactly what it is when the time comes...and then you can commence being completely dissapointed and letdown because it truly is really not thaaat exciting or impressive. Unless you are a nerd and/or my family.
And on an It's Friday So I'm Doing Goddamn Whatever the Hell I Please At Work But What Else Is New? Note:

Ahahahah. Yes, I ordered a batch of these as well. I couldn't help it. I blame Sarah P. for the idea when I very innocently asked her as we gChatted the other day, if I was leaving off any pertinent information on my first (official) batch of business cards. They will, quite obviously, be given only to friends and family, as the front side also contains the url for this blog (eep!).
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