
This late Friday night post is brought to you by Ketel One vodka.

Scene: Ysabel sitting by herself at a hip Bohemian-neighborhood Seattle bar while waiting for her married-couple friends to arrive.

Bartender: Hey there, can I get you anything?

Ysabel: Yeah, I'll have a Ketel One martini.

Bartender: Do you want olive juice in that, or straight up?

Ysabel: Just straight up please.

Bartender: Really? People usually ask me for a dirty martini.

Ysabel: Oh yeah?

Bartender: Yeah, we have really good olives here and I just use the juice straight from our olive bar...

Ysabel: Hmm...

Bartender: I make great dirty martinis...'cause I'm REAL dirty...

Ysabel: .....*gulp*

Cue: Ysabel looking away swiftly and pretending that she didn't hear that last comment.

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