
Jingle Jangle: Revisited

Remember the first round of this epic battle? Round two went down this morning. BTW, I have since named BB's nemesis "Jingle Jangle." Has a nice ring to it. Hahaha, get it?! "Ring" to it?! Ugh, all the mucous in my skull is really taking its toll...

Five minutes later:

Also, one of the many lessons I've learned this holiday season is that, should you happen to be browsing around for possible Christmas presents and you happen to find the absolute perfect Christmas gift for your Schmooblebunnies, do NOT elect to put it back on the shelf in the idiotic hopes that it will magically be on sale the following week. Because, of course, Schmurphy's Law states that it WILL be gone by the time you go back a week later to check on it. Blargh Humbug!

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